
Multi-talented David Posen, MD has been a successful international keynote speaker, author and seminar leader for more than two decades. As an authority on stress management, he delights audiences across North America with an interactive approach that never fails to captivate, motivate, entertain and inspire. His work with corporate clients has positioned him as a speaker of choice for executive workshops and VIP retreats throughout Canada and the U.S.
David’s Doc Calm persona was introduced to online readers via Canoe.ca, where David wrote a weekly column on stress and lifestyle management – practical, useful and entertaining words of wisdom that continue to be as current now as the day they were written.

Not only is David an interesting speaker, he’s a keenly interested listener. That ability to listen – to his patients, audiences, colleagues, friends and even himself – has resulted in three best selling books, Always Change a Losing Game, now in it’s ninth printing and sold on four continents, Staying Afloat When the Water Gets Rough and The Little Book of Stress Relief, currently in its tenth printing and translated into five languages (Chinese, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese).
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